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Showing posts from March, 2015

Friends are the family you choose - choose wisely

Sometimes we get lucky and someone comes into your life and changes you forever. I have been blessed to have many people come into my life and make a massive impact on who I am as a person, I don't plan to ever let those people go - or for that matter, make sure they always know how much they mean to me!  Babycakes - my bestie, met this girl while working at a golf club and we instantly clicked! She tells it like it is and doesn't put up with your shit. She is also one of the most kind hearted, generous and absolutely gorgeous girls I have ever met. She has helped me through some very dark times in my life and motivates me everyday to be a better version of myself. She is a pillar of strength in my long standing battle with obesity for which I will never be able to thank her for. I don't know how she will survive four weeks in Europe with me but I can't wait to explore the world with her.  Millzdawwwggg, soulmate, realestate buddies, this chick! My sister from another

Priorities change - sometimes it's ok to put yourself first.

Priorities are important when it comes to our health. You have to be able to put yourself and your health first to be able to acheive your health goals. I have put my goals on the back burner for a long time now... Mostly because I was too wrapped up in my own self pity to care. I didn't think I was worthy of love so I ate my feelings. I've always been accustomed to binge eating and I did it often. But I don't like what I see when I look in the mirror anymore. I need to make a change for myself, for my family, for my boyfriend, for any chance I have at a happy and long future.  I have been using my work as an excuse not to exercise and not to eat right because it was convenient to eat take away or go out for lunch and dinner. That is no longer an option. I have a new plan and I want to follow it through. I have tried and failed to lose weight and change my lifestyle many times - I have even burned bridges with some friends who have tried to help me acheive these goals. I wi

Killing time today - cricket

Some say that cricket is a dull sport. On most occasions I would disagree... Cricket is a gentleman's sport and watching someone you know play can be very entertaining. It also allows you an emotional pipeline into the game - you get excited when they bowl a wicket, or make a great catch or hit a four! It's exciting.  Watching on an international level is wicked too!! In the past 3 months I have had some great times with some great girls, watching australia play ODI's and Twenty20 matches. It's just the culture of it- you get pulled into it. The beer, the wine, the food, the cheers, the Mexican waves, the beach balls flying about and getting confiscated by security. It really is just a great time.  Why don't the local leagues pick up there game a little. Haha. I'm sitting here with my best friend Alysha (such an awesome chick I'll have to dedicate a whole post to how much I love and respect that chick - watch this space) watching her boyfriend Matt play the

A procrastinators guide to wasting time effectively

"I never put off till tomorrow what I can possibly do - the day after" - Oscar Wilde   Procrastination is like the evil overlord of my generation. Everybody procrastinates. It has been made so easy for us to do - we all have smart phones with Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Tinder, and so many other delightfully enticing apps that we simply get lost in. I don't know if I would survive, if one day, all of these apps just ceased to exist. Oh what a cruel fate that would be...   I am a self diagnosed social media addict. Facebook is my heroin. I am always checking it, scrolling through my news feed, posting, liking, sharing - I just can't stop. Even as I am typing I have Facebook sitting idle in another tab ready for me to check. My procrastination very much will start and finish with Facebook. At work, at home, at the gym, going out with friends, even sometimes when I am sitting on the toilet (haha). I just can't help it. It's who I am.   So here I