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Priorities change - sometimes it's ok to put yourself first.

Priorities are important when it comes to our health. You have to be able to put yourself and your health first to be able to acheive your health goals. I have put my goals on the back burner for a long time now... Mostly because I was too wrapped up in my own self pity to care. I didn't think I was worthy of love so I ate my feelings. I've always been accustomed to binge eating and I did it often. But I don't like what I see when I look in the mirror anymore. I need to make a change for myself, for my family, for my boyfriend, for any chance I have at a happy and long future. 

I have been using my work as an excuse not to exercise and not to eat right because it was convenient to eat take away or go out for lunch and dinner. That is no longer an option. I have a new plan and I want to follow it through. I have tried and failed to lose weight and change my lifestyle many times - I have even burned bridges with some friends who have tried to help me acheive these goals. I will not let people down anymore. 

The list:
- make time for exercise
- eat healthier
- substitute the bad food for the good food 
- take the stairs instead of the lift 
- drink more water
- limit chocolate (do not cut out entirely as pure insanity will result)
- put two hours aside on a Sunday for meal preparation 
- tell the people I love how much I appreciate their love and support
- offer love and support to those who mean the world to me
- make time for fun 
- make time for friends, family and boyfriend 
- make mistakes (but only once when it comes to matters of health) 

I am blessed to have parents who support and encourage me to make changes and better my lifestyle. I have friends who will kick my butt around the gym and keep me motivated all the time. I have an amazing man in my life who is on the same path and shares my goals and I am forever grateful that he came into my life and inspired me to want to be better. Now all I have to do is DO IT!!

It all begins: 
Here is a recent photo taken of me at a wedding. I raise a glass (or protein shake) to never looking like this again. 

Current weight: 126kg
Goal weight: 80kg

Time frame to acheive it: 12 months

Small term goals: 26kg lost in 6 months 



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