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Euro Adventures Pt 22 - Eat, Sleep, Beach, Repeat

Another day in paradise, Mykonos you beautiful place. I woke early with a coughing fit to find everyone was home and in bed - absolutely dead to the world. Once a couple of the girls woke up we headed down for some brekkie - the included brekkie was absolute shithouse so we ordered from the breakfast menu at the restaurant. Such a good life choice. Plus the view! 

Noddy joined us for a chat and a coffee - Greek coffee is pretty different, very very strong - I was kind of in love with it. Delish. We headed back to the room and the girls had naps while I caught up some overdue blogging - even though without wifi I couldn't post anything. The camping ground did have wifi but it was so bad that you could only connect of you were standing right next to the bar and even then it dropped in and out. LAME! 

When everyone was awake we changed into our swimmers and headed down to the beach at our back door. The beach was absolutely spectacular. For once it wasn't all pointy sharp rocks that destroy your feet, it was slightly rocky shelly sand and crystal clear blue water. I've never been into an ocean quite like this before - you could be so deep in the ocean and still be able to see all the way to the bottom. Plus you float like you aren't even in water. It was just awesome! I could have spent all day in that water. 

We decided that we were starving... So we had a quick rinse off to get rid of all the salt and sand and went to one of the restaurants along the beach. The menu looked absolutely wicked - heaps of seafood and heaps of Greek traditional dishes. We had to try sagonaki cheese (deep fried halloumi cheese) and some zucchini croquettes, I also had grilled lamb kebab and Alysha had chicken souvlaki - delicious! 

After our massive meal we decided that we all needed an afternoon siesta, except for lysh who needed more time in the sun. So we had a wonderful nap and headed back to the ocean - really the most fun I have ever had swimming in the ocean. Just floating around, not a care in the world except what to do when we needed a cocktail - the answer was of course... Go and get one! We went back up to the bar and enjoyed a passion fruit cocktail, YUM! 

After our second time in the ocean we decided it was a good idea to have a proper shower and wash the sand out of our hair. After being in the ocean and not having the best showers in the past 4 days it's an amazing feeling to be clean and scrubbed. Can't wait to be able to get home and have a hot bath soak up some amazing bath salts. We went to have an included Topdeck dinner which was (shocker) pizza. Pizza is getting very old haha. Somehow Alysha had convinced me to go to the beach party at Club Tropicana - I thought I had avoided that last night but nope. So we headed over to Club Tropicana for a dance.

I definitely didn't have high hopes for enjoying myself at the club, but it was a cool place, people everywhere, lots of girls in skimpy bikinis and guys in speedos... Plus the elephant man... A guy synonymous with Tropicana. He is bald, ripped and wears a sparkly elephant g-string... Very weird haha. But hey, it's all about the experience right?? It was really smokey and with my sore throat and bad cough I didn't last more than an hour so I headed back to the camp ground. 

When I got back Megan had just left the room to into town for drinks at a different club than the one we were at - I think she was up for a big night... Oh dear! Somehow we also managed to lock ourselves in our room and the key was stuck! Typical TeegsAndLysh bad luck! Haha. Some people from the campground had to help us escape - needless to say we didn't sleep with our door locked that night. 


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