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Euro Adventures Pt 9 - Beautiful Barcelona And Bruised Backsides

After our big night out on the town we were all wrecked and slept in until 10am. We finally made our way out of the hostel and headed out for some Barcelona shopping - before I even made it out the door I fell, ass over tits, slamming my tailbone down three marble stairs... Oh dear. That's gonna hurt tomorrow. We assumed the shops would be highly air conditioned and we were all feeling pretty seedy - We all probably spent more than we should have but we ended up with some cool clothes from HnM and some cool souvenirs. 

While we were walking around we ran into another group of girls from our tour - they were on their way to have tapas for lunch. We wanted to have tapas for lunch so we joined in their hunt for a great tapas joint. We found one a few streets back from Las Ramblas which had some really great Spanish tapas. We had croquettes, provolone cheese in a red jacket, olives, cod fritters, Catalan meatballs, squid rings, flambeed chorizo and nachos with guac - it was AMAZING!!! There was about 6 of us sharing the tapas and it only cost us €10. 

We found the St Josep Markets, the biggest fruit & veg markets in Barcelona, there was fresh juices, hand made lollies, fish, cured meats, fresh seafood and more fruit and veggies than you could imagine. If only we could take some with us without it getting ruined. 

We decided we wanted to go up the cable cars on Mt Juic - so we jumped in cabs and tried to explain to the cab driver where we wanted to go. Majority of people in Spain don't speak English very much... Some not even at all - so we had to struggle through with the little Spanish we knew and we ended up only halfway up the mountain... With quite a hike ahead of us. It was super hot and we had about1.5-2km hike to the top where the cable cars were... It was not fun. We got their with red faces and covered in sweat - we probably didn't smell very nice either. But the views were worth it.

The cable car was very worrying... It swayed a lot in the wind, Alysha was a little nervous but we made it down safely. 

It was about 4pm by this time so we decided to check out the famous Picasso Museum. We jumped in a cab (the cabs in Barcelona are so cheap - we had taken about 4 already and not paid more than €10) and got dropped near the museum. It was a little bit hard to find, as it was in some back streets not accessible by cars but we got there in the end... What were we greeted with... CLOSED MONDAYS. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhh. The second time I have been in Europe and found myself outside a closed museum on a Monday. 

Oh well. We stopped for more water in a bakery type shop and indulged in an oatmeal, chic chip and coffee cookie. Jumped in a cab and went back to our hostel. We were pretty wrecked from our hike so we decided to honour the age old Spanish tradition of siesta - so we napped. I was in quite a significant amount of pain from my bruised tailbone so I decided to stay in and rest. Alysha, Megan and Cat headed down to the port for some more traditional Spanish Paella and more Sangria. Off to Nice in the French Riviera tomorrow, we all need to do some washing. 

Bruised and battered but still enjoying myself as much as I can! 


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