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Euro Adventures Pt 21 - Making Some Mykonos Memories

A 430am wake up call is not a fun thing... Not at all. But we did it - we woke up at 430 and had a very questionable breakfast, all so we could leave in time to catch a ferry to the party island of Mykonos!! Everyone was so pumped, looking forward to some sun, surf, great food, drinking, dancing and then doing it all again the next day. 

We jumped on our bus and made the 45 minute drive to the port and jumped on our ferry. It wasn't anything too flash hot but we had aeroplane style seats that reclined, there were bars and cafes and self serve restaurants, oh and wifi. I found a nice spot on the floor and curled up for a two hour nap - definitely a good idea. #hobostyle

The rest of the ferry involved a beer and a sausage roll for brekkie (a Greek sausage roll is a hot dog wrapped in pastry) and talking shit with fellow topdeckers, planning our day and a half in paradise. We finally arrived at the Mykonos port... Wow... It smelled really bad. My first impressions of Mykonos were honestly not the best. There was a lot of barren dirt and rock covered land and it wasn't as pretty and crisp white and blue as what I was expecting. Then we arrived at our accommodation for the duration of our Mykonos stay... The views, the pool, the ocean, perfection.

The camping ground wasn't exactly the best place... We were sleeping in permanent canvas style tent/bungalows, quad share with communal showers and toilets, but the location and the inclusions made it worth the crappiness. The main beach in Mykonos, Paradise Beach (where heaps of the great clubs are) was only a 10 minute walk away. Definitely a winner. 

We had some lunch at the campsite restaurant with that spectacular view of the ocean - lunch with a view is definitely the best way to start off your time in Mykonos. We enjoyed a quick bevy and caught the public bus into the centre of town for some shopping and a little sightseeing. I was keen as a bean to see some cobblestone streets with white building with blue shutters. It was just as I pictured it! We walked through a maze of streets looking in so many shops with authentic handmade souvenirs, clothes, shoes and jewellery (most of which were very overpriced). It was very cool!

My favourite building by far was this one... Need I say more?

We somehow stumbled along the old port in a part of Mykonos that housed the famous windmills. The were so spectacular, all in a row on the top of the hill overlooking where all of the boats used to come in. It must have been a sight to behold back when they were functional - now they are more just a tourist attraction. We still walked up the hill for a sneaky photo or two. It was worth it!

We found out that Armin Van Buren (a famous DJ) was playing at one of the clubs tonight and many on our tour were very keen to get tickets and go - I want interested in wasting my money, but Alysha got a ticket while we were in town. We somehow found out way out of the labyrinth of twisting and turning streets back to the bus stop and made our way to the camping grounds for a cheeky afternoon swim - which was freezing cold. Oh well, we were awake and refreshed now. 

We all showered and many of our group started to get ready for a big night out, there was also a beach party that started from 4pm until very late - many were going to back it up from the beach party to the clubs. Not me - haha the grandma I am, I just stayed in and watched a movie (not in the stay up until 7am mood like everyone else). It was pretty hard to get to sleep because of our close proximity to all of those beach clubs, the music was soooooo loud. The girls stumbled home between 1 and 6am - they are going to have sore little heads in the morning!!


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