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Euro Adventures Pt 8 - The Road to Barcelona

Today is the day! Off to Barcelona, Spain. I'm so absolutely excited - I have never been to Spain before I cannot wait to experience such a different culture, such a different language and be apart of Spanish life. 

We jumped on the bus super early in the morning and had a quick stop off at the Pont Du Gard, one of the oldest aqueduct bridges - built in 19BC. It was quite simply amazing - it was built using no joining materials whatsoever making it a true feat of engineering and architectural genius. We stopped for a couple of photos and grabbed some more water - I swear most of our money has been going towards bottled water!! 

We had a long drive ahead of us to get to Barcelona, so we had a lunch stop just outside the Spanish border... Of course clutz Tegan has FINALLY decided to make her first appearance. While walking up to the toilets I fell up some stairs and came crashing down to the grand... With my phone in my hand! I got up, slightly embarrassed, grazed hand and a few scratches on my phone but I survived - haha. 

We made it into Barcelona and went straight into our driving tour of the massive town known to the locals as Bathelona! The architecture is unlike anything I have ever seen before. There was actually hardly anyone out and about because it was siesta time - Noddy explained that most of Spain does partake in Siesta - where they sleep for several hours in the afternoon and then start back up again later in the evening. What a life. Can we start that back home?

We got out at La Sagrada Familia, an amazing cathedral designed by Antonio Gaudi, it has been under construction since the 18th century. Gaudi died before he was able to complete his masterpiece. It is such a jumble of different design concepts and finishes and themes. It was unlike anything I have ever seen before. Sooooooo cool! But wow... It is bloody hot in Barcelona... We were all drenched in sweat by the time we got back to the bus. 

We made our way to our hostel and we had 2 and a half hours to get beautiful for our big night. We had a lot planned for us... The very first Topdeck big night out. We have been very to meet some super amazing people and make some great friends already. We are rooming with Megan and Cat - who are so hilarious and such good value. So we all got ready and headed down to meet the rest of our Topdeck crew for a couple of selfies before we head out.

We started our long trek down Las Ramblas - the main drag in Barcelona - filled with some amazing shops, tapas restaurants, bars, and even market stalls scattered down the street. After about 30 minutes of trekking trying to keep up with Noddy we made it to the restaurant. There were 3 other Topdeck crews eating there so it was loud and fun. We all got to have Paella - a traditional Spanish dish and massive jugs of Sangria. It was pretty amazing - I had chicken paella and Alysha had seafood. Amazeballs. 

We then headed to a Flamenco show which was just the coolest most chill thing I have even seen. It was a guitarist, a drummer, three singers and two dancers. It was really fun and fiery and emotional and simply beautiful. Then at the end the main singer brought out his daughter who was about 4 got up on stage and sang and danced. ADORABLE. Alysha and I were almost in tears it was so sweet!

We went into a bar and had some free shots and cheap cocktails - for your information, European countries free pour the alcohol... It's very strong. We left and caught a bus to a beach club that Noddy had arranged free entry for us called Choko. I have never been into a club like that before... It was full on. The dudes were sleazy, the drinks were strong, the music was pumping, the girls were dancing and I was trying to protect all the younger girls from the scary old men. All in all, quite a fun night!! We were back in the room and asleep by about 330am. 

Good game Barcelona, good game. 


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