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Euro Adventures Pt 5 - A Magical Day In Paris

So on our original own for today was a full travel day to the Swiss Alps - but, praise the Lord we were told before we went to bed last night that we were doing a night drive and we could spend the day exploring Paris - because they didn't want us to miss out on the majesty of Paris! YAYYYYYYYY - there were a lot of happy of people on our tour. We had until 4 to do whatever we pleased. Stoked. Paris was the place Alysha was the most looking forward so we have been able to somewhat make her dreams come true!

We woke up nice and early, had a breakfast of champions (NOT), there was questionable looking eggs, bacon, very sweet toast, croissants, pain o chocolait, yogurt and cereal. We are kind of over pastries already haha - thank goodness we are leaving Framce today, might get something different for a change in Switzerland. We ventured out to find the Metro, which was a very worrying as our hostel was in such a Ghetto part of Paris, the outskirts, the slums, I don't know what they were, but let's just say we held our bags extra tightly. 

We caught the Metro out to the station we thought was nice and close to the famous Notre Dame... Alas, we took a wrong turn and ended up very confused. Thank god for google maps!!!! I was a little hot and sweaty from the walk but we made it! 

It was sooooo cool - even more amazing than I remember, the line was massive to get on but it moved really quickly and we were in, the glorious stained glass windows are beyond description, there was a mass scheduled for midday so the choir was there practicing. It was like being in a dream. We just sat and took it in - it was pretty *emosh*

The next stop on our list for the day was the Museé Du Louvre, all we had to do was get there! We wandered back along the River Seine and came across an imitation love lock bridge - so the actual love lock bridge in Paris collapsed and had to be rebuilt as there was just too many locks of love weighing it down. Within days of being rebuilt it was overwhelmed with locks - they keep chopping them off now so there are no more accidents. But we were lucky enough to find a rip off one - it was kind of adorable, seeing how many people come to Paris to lock their love lock in the most romantic city in the world.

We found the secret back entrance to the Louvre - no long lines, made our way inside, then decided we didn't want to wait in the long lines so we took some photos and started the long trek to the Champs-Élysées. We only made it about half way... But we found these super cool motorised tuk tuk's! For only €5 each the four of us girls could get up the hill to the shops and experience first hand how truly terrifying the traffic in Paris is. It's SCARY AS F**K!! 

By this stage I was really not feeling well, sick as a dog, feet covered in blisters, I didn't know if I could make it up and down the Champs-Élysées. So Alysha and I decided to get a fancy Parisian lunch while the young girls did some shopping. It was very romantic and actually a really nice Italian restaurant. Stoked - definitely needed a good feed. Then nurse Alysha and I went on the hunt for a pharmacy - I'm afraid she might kill me if I snore again tonight... Better sleep with one eye open!

We met up with the girls again and headed back to the hostel to collect our luggage and head off to the Swiss alps - estimated arrival time... 2am. Kill me now. At least we had a really cool picnic dinner by the side of the road - there was broccoli... I was ALL over that. Any nutrients I can get right now are awesome, I have to shake this flu. I'm no fun when I'm sick. Looking forward to a really chill day in the Alps tomorrow, nothing planned except a sleep in and some laundry at this stage!  I'm really glad Alysha had such an amazing time in Paris and I know it's gonna get even better from here. 


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