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Euro Adventures Pt 3 - The Day From Hell

Today. The day from hell. The worst possible day where all the bad things that could have possibly happened DID HAPPEN! 

I am going to put it all down to the French. They have successfully ruined the start of our tour! So here is the goss: 
- the Ferry workers were striking
- the French lit the EuroStar rail on fire so no trains were running
- all of the planes out were chockers and booked up

We started the day really well - met up with our tour group and started meeting people and getting set to get on the bus. We met two super awesome girls from Wollongong (Taylor and Sam) who we sat with on the bus. 

We were then informed by our tour leader Noddie (no that's not her actually name) that the French were striking and the main port in Dover was currently closed. She said we would still be going down to see what the go is... So on we trekked down to Dover where we were able to see the magnificent white cliffs of Dover. But that was where the fun ended. We waited out at the port for hours then ended up turning back to London. 

We were then informed that we wouldn't be getting to France until tomorrow (at 345am) in a different port and we had to find our own accommodation in London. PANIC. A wave of people trying to make phone calls and Internet bookings of the Hostel that we met at earlier that morning. Luckily we got into a 6 person dorm with Taylor and Sam. Thank goodness. 

With the afternoon free we set off in search of global sims - some of the girls on the bus had global sims with unlimited data that could be used in the UK and in some parts of Europe - SCORE! So we walked into Liverpool Street and tracked down our ultimate SIM cards. Taking in some of the quirky and breathtaking architecture of London was great, even saw dirty dicks... Lol - but very hot at 36 degrees. We taxi'd back to our hostel and had some cider, pizza, a shower and headed to bed at 830. 

A shitty day but with the silver lining of possibly having some free time in Paris tomorrow night.


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