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Euro Adventures Pt 24 - The Sad Goodbye And Back To London

We woke up nice and early to head down to the foyer to wave or wonderful friends off on the next leg of their journey. It was soooo hard to say goodbye to the close friends we have made on this tour, we all shed some tears and hugs all round. We will definitely be seeing our crew of weirdos again! 

We headed back to our room for a nap - we were lucky to have our rooms booked until midday, then we spent some time reps king our bags (to try to fit all the new shopping into our cases) it was a struggle but hey? We got there in the end. We had about 45 minutes until we had to check out of our room so we went on a hunt for food, out the door we found a puddle of blood with some bloody footprints - that was slightly concerning... But we found a little cafe round the corner that had some AMAZING cheese pies (a Greek savoured pastry). Yummmmmm!

We got a cab with ALL of our bags to the airport and tried to get on the earlier flight to London - we were booked on a flight to leave at 730... We definitely did not want to wait that long. It was slightly costly for both of us but we were on a 245pm flight to Heathrow. It was about 3 and a half hours to get from Athens to London, Alysha was lucky enough to be able to sleep for most of the flight, I passed the time with Geordie Shore (yes I do know I have a slight addiction problem). With an hour to go that's where the pain started kicking in, the infamous fall down the stairs tears it's ugly head again!! I can't believe it has been sooooo long and my tailbone still hurts as if I fell yesterday! 

Oh well. We arrived in London and that was the main thing! We had a long wait at border patrol but I was lucky enough to have a Big Brother fangirl moment when I noticed that Ryan Buckingham (about 2-3 seasons ago) was in front of us - very exciting! We made it through to the other side and called our transfer company to pick us up now - which they gladly changed for us and we were in a private car transfer through London to our hotel. Traffic in peak hour is definitely not fun... It took us about an hour to make it through to our hotel. 

We had booked a hotel in Holborn, which is relatively central and right next to an underground station, in comparison to what we were used to, this hotel was like a 5 star Hilton hotel, heaps of space, kitchen, big bathroom with shower attached to the wall instead of just a hanging shower head, and most importantly... The most comfortable soft and fluffy beds ever. We hit the jackpot! Haha. 

I really wanted to go and see Magic Mike XXL, and I noticed we drove past one a short while before our hotel. So we googled the times available (it's great to be back in London where our unlimited data sims work) and headed down to enjoy our soft core porn movie. It was nice to be able to just chill out, relax and enjoy a movie after four weeks of crazyness.

We walked back and Alysha was insistent that she have dinner before she goes to sleep - so we ordered from the in-room dining menu which took a long time to arrive (by the time we got the food it was at least midnight). Alysha had taken on her 'hangry' personaluity and when she couldn't get the lid off her soup she may have spat the dummy a little bit - I thought she may have just tried to smash the glass jar the soup came in. I didn't want to move or say anything or help. Scary stuff! Haha! Hot there in the end - fed and in bed. Such a long day! 


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