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Euro Adventures Pt 26 - Our Day Out With Bren & Ros

Another early wake up - 630am this time, I have no idea why I keep waking up hours before my alarm goes off. I did my best to get back to sleep then decided it was time for Starbucks!! One of the great things about being in Europe... Starbucks EVERYWHERE!! How is it that one district can have 4 Starbucks and we can't even have 1 in Canberra? Just devo.

After brekkie we headed down to the station meet Brendan & Roslyn, our tour guides for the day - how amazing are they?! I'm so stoked to have friends who have been living here in London for several months. They know soooooo much stuffs - hopefully I didn't bombard them with too many questions. We all got on the underground and headed to Camden Town to visit the Camden Markets - whoop so exciting!

The Camden Markets were so quirky and fun and had soooo many different stalls and things to buy. Clothes, jewellery, food, drink, donuts, blankets, bags, leather goods - there was so much - mostly handmade things (or so they say). The market stalls were quirky and the people who ran them were very chatty, the markets were just about their own suburb and had beautiful outlooks - I didn't buy anything but Alysha bought a hilarious 'keep calm I'm a nurse' shirt. We walked past a donut/cronut stall and Brendan had to stop and get one... So of course... How could we refuse... Cronuts all round - YUMMMMMMMMM

We caught the underground to Knightsbridge  (which is where Brendo works) so we could to the Natural History Museum - as seen in such popular films as Night at the Museum 3. It was pretty awesome and we all definitely learnt a lot - my favourite (and alysha's favourite) area was the dinosaur section!! It was especially cook, fossils and bones and life size robot recreations. It was wicked. I want a miniature version of the robot T-Rex... 

After spending a few hours in the museum we were all starving - Ros and Bren took us down to South Kensington to Byron Burger - it was pretty goddam amazing. The food here is actually not as expensive as I thought it would be - but I still am paying a lot more than what I pay at home. Oh well, as long as it tastes good that's all we care about. 

We then headed to Piccadilly Circus (we were smashing the underground today) to go to MnM world... To say were excited was a massive understatement. There were MnM's everywhere... Absolutely everywhere, you could even have MnM's personalised with messages or images. There were people everywhere - children everywhere - chocolate everywhere. Like heaven in a three storey shop. 

After getting some gifts and chocolate for ourselves we headed into a massive souvenir shop called Cool Britannia - there was a guy dressed head to toe in Union Jack clothing - even his shoes - he was dressed up as a thousand English flags. There were people everywhere, because it was Saturday there were heaps of locals out and about as well (you can always tell the locals as they are rushing around and shove you on the underground). 

We headed back to our hotel so we could start to et ready for our big night out seeing Mamma Mia! We dolled ourselves up a little bit and walked down to the theatre - how lucky that it was only a 10 minute walk from where we were staying. We were super early so we had a glass of pre show Prosecco before heading in. It was such an incredible show, the music, the costumes, the singers, it was great. We both enjoyed it sooooo much. 

On a more hilarious note - I still have my Topdeck SARS (which loosely translated is a persistent cough that won't go away), and the two Indian ladies sitting next to me were apparently very offended by my coughing. I did my very best to keep it to a minimum - which I did, but they held tissues over their faces the entire show!! So insane! The original lady that was next to me swapped with her friend (apparently she thought I was too gross to deal with). Those ridiculous old ladies made the night even more fun.

We made our way back to our hotel, stopping on the way to pick up some dinner - we are fast becoming the queens of the late dinner. We caught the end of two movies on TV and headed to bed - we had such a great day with Brendan and Roslyn! I'm
Absolutely stoked that I was able to see them while I'm in London. 


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