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Euro Adventures Pt 27 - Another Rain Soaked, Fun Filled, Tourist Extravaganza of a Day in London

Rain rain go away, come again - once we leave London!! PLEASE?? Woke up to another rainy day in London Town... Oh dear. Another day with our umbrellas struggling around, wet and cold, annoyed at the world and angry at all the people who bump us. Oh well - gals gotta do what a gals gotta do! We had two main things on our itinerary for the day - The London Bridge and The Tower of London. Anything else we could get done would be icing on top of or rainy cake!

We still had a ticket to Madam Toussards that we had purchased on our first day in London - so we caught the underground out to see what all the fuss was about. Oh my sweet baby Jesus the lines... The lines went for miles and miles - never ending lines. It was pouring rain and we couldn't deal with waiting so we decided to leave. It just wasn't worth the wait for us. Until next time Madam Toussards. 

To the London Bridge we went. We walked out of the station and a tour guide man asked us if we needed any help, I told him we were wanting to get to the London Bridge for some typical tourist shots, he asked if I meant the London bridge or the Tower Bridge (most tourists apparently get the two mixed up). We said the pretty one that is in all the photos of London. He said we wanted the Tower Bridge and sent us on our way. We walked through the rain (I was sure we were going to do a lot of that today) and finally set our sites on the bridge. 

We decided to get some amazingly touristy shots and head over the bridge towards the Tower of London and see the Crown Jewels... Very exciting. The bridge was absolutely massive and very regal - in fact most of London was very regal and beautiful. I must say - I really enjoy London - it's somewhere I would definitely come back, explore more and see more. It was still raining fairly steadily and it was a bit slippery across the bridge but we made it in one piece and found ourselves in front of the Tower of London. 

Lines are actually our favourite things in the whole entire world!! Even more than puppies and candy! NOT. There was a slight lineup to get into the Tower so we decided it was time for a food stop. Subway for the win! By the time we are the line was virtually non existent so we strolled into the Tower of London - it was sooooooo much bigger than what I thought it would be - it wasn't so much a single tower as it was an entire castle grounds with multiple towers and buildings. It was very cool - especially because it housed the Crown Jewels!

We did a massive walk around the grounds, through the buildings, up and down several towers, through so many rooms and we watched a lot of videos about the Kings who had lived and ruled from this Tower. It was very interesting - I could have easily spent a whole day their exploring!! We came out one end of the grounds and saw the line for the Crown Jewels... It was QUITE extensive, so we joined it quick smart - we definitely weren't leaving without seeing those Crown Jewels! 

The Crown Jewels were in a vault licked section of the tower that was guarded - it was unlike anything I had expected. There was a lot of information about how the jewels were made, why they were made, what was made, how they changed and how new monarchs were coronated. There was even a video of Queen Elizabeth II getting coronated. The jewels were absolutely stunning beyond belief - we weren't allowed to take any photos - otherwise there would massive royalty spam on this blog. It was just awesome. I wish i could be royal.

Once we had seen everything we wanted to see we left and caught the underground to Oxford Street for a little retail therapy after our rainy day... Boy was there a lot to choose from shopping wise. Really - wow. Puts Sydney to shame. We really wanted to find a shop called Primark - everyone from the trio recommended it and Brendan and Roslyn said it was super awesome. After going to wrong way we did find it and boy did it live up to everyone's word! It was a massive four floors of stuff. Clothing, shoes, accessories, bags, suitcases, hoisery, Manchester, homewares, EVERYTHING!! And so cheap - Alysha and I both bought quite a few items (including another suitcase to take all of it stuff home). I'm definitely a fan - we desperately need one in Australia. BEST!

After being out all day, in the rain, on our feet, not really stopping, we headed back to our hotel to die just a little bit. My feet were soooo sore and I had picked up another fun blister from wearing closed toed shoes (score). So it was nice to just sit and rest for a while - we headed into Covent Garden (the next suburb over) and found a wonderful Italian restaurant where we had dinner - oh I have managed to get alysha hooked on Prosecco YAY. 

Tomorrow is our last full day in London before we begin our long journey home - so we headed back for showers and sleep. I can't believe this trip is really coming to an end. It hasn't been 4 weeks already... Has it?


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