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Killing time today - cricket

Some say that cricket is a dull sport. On most occasions I would disagree... Cricket is a gentleman's sport and watching someone you know play can be very entertaining. It also allows you an emotional pipeline into the game - you get excited when they bowl a wicket, or make a great catch or hit a four! It's exciting. 

Watching on an international level is wicked too!! In the past 3 months I have had some great times with some great girls, watching australia play ODI's and Twenty20 matches. It's just the culture of it- you get pulled into it. The beer, the wine, the food, the cheers, the Mexican waves, the beach balls flying about and getting confiscated by security. It really is just a great time. 

Why don't the local leagues pick up there game a little. Haha.

I'm sitting here with my best friend Alysha (such an awesome chick I'll have to dedicate a whole post to how much I love and respect that chick - watch this space) watching her boyfriend Matt play the grand final match... Yes I may be blogging at the same time but that is entirely irrelevant. The first time made 180 runs... It's time to chase boys. 

Up the mighty redbecks!! 


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